What we’re doing now

Workplan for Exeter Community Forum 2017 – 2018 (year 2) Agreed at the AGM

based on http://exetercommunityforum.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Exeter-Community-Strategy-adopted-22-03-16.pdf

 Programme 1: Supporting community plans

To develop and roll out a programme for supporting development of community/neighbourhood plans.

 Enable community participation in the planning process (GESP & ECC) – review of the ECC SCI was suggested.

“Programme will pay for a community planning facilitator who will help communities, particularly those  which have the greatest need, to prepare and produce plans and offer capacity building support and training. The  facilitator  may  be  hosted by a community organisation to act as a central resource covering the whole city.” Funding for groups to prepare plans – see budget line

“The programme’s output will be six community plans in development or completed by March 2019.”

Programme 2:  Supporting community action

  1. Supporting community organising – community builders programme.

To oversee roll out, local support group engagement and ongoing co-ordination with Wellbeing Exeter.

  1. Supporting community initiatives.

Continuation of Grass Roots Grants programme, including:

  • selection and induction of new grants panel members , amending as necessary to improve guidelines and operation of Pane;
  • capital round in Autumn 2017 and two further rounds during the rest of the year for community action and especially promoting community collaboration.
  • review impact of first year grants against expected outcomes and outputs by grantees

Develop and promote a Crowdfunding  platform dedicated to Exeter and supporting communities in particular

Programme 3: Supporting community collaboration (including with LA/agencies)

Begin working on issues in 2 of the action plan “Service design and delivery”, including:

  • Development and agreement of ECC Community Asset and Facility Ownership and Transfer policy (also as per agreement as People Scrutiny Committee agreement )
  • Look at “policy for devolution of services to the community, to empower communities to deliver their own solutions” – parks and open spaces is a current area of debate amongst ECF members – are there other areas?

Ongoing support for and championing of Youth Strategy

Agreeing an approach to assessing impact for the community strategy

Secure more bodies signing up the principles of community development including DCC.